At Vetted, we are committed to providing world-class primary veterinary care for dogs and cats that results in lifelong wellness. And that starts with exceptional preventative care. Our veterinary teams dedicate an uninterrupted 30 minutes for each appointment with an emphasis on empowering pet parents with 1:1 education and personalized plans.

Each Vetted clinic is located inside of a local neighborhood pet daycare/boarding location, giving Vetted the opportunity to connect with new and existing patients and pet parents daily.

We believe preventative care is the gold standard of veterinary medicine, and we’re proud to work with our daycare partners to make this level of care more accessible and convenient for pet parents.

The Vetted family is talented, driven, empowering, and provides a supportive environment for all people. If this lights you up, we’d love to learn more about you!

Check out our available openings below.



  • Discounted veterinary care for your loved ones

  • HealthAdvocate membership, One Medical membership, WageWorks commuter benefits

  • A collaborative team of people who live our core values and have your back

  • Competitive salary and team bonus

  • Some remote work

  • Equity Ownership Options

Meet Vetted

  • Maya Shaposhnik Cadena

    CEO, Founder

  • Kimmy Woodworth

    SVP of Marketing

  • Melissa Preston

    Business Operations Manager

  • Lia Kelley

    Marketing Manager